Sunday, November 30, 2008

Always be my baby

It's been almost seven months since we distinguish it as an official relationship. Along the seven-months trip down to lovey-dovey land, we have had our fair shares of highs and lows, we have had encounters with various complications and jovial incidents. We've traded laughs and tears, pulled each other's nerves and exhanged countless number of meaningful conversations. In spite of everything, we're still climbing up our stairs and grasping each other's hand to make sure we're making our way towards where we're heading to.

Seven months may not seem a very long time, but I always felt like I've known you my whole life. You've been there to listen and you've been there to let me rant about the even littlest things that could bother me. At times I couldn't find the right words to say to you, I couldn't find the right words to comfort you but I want you to know I will be there for you unconditionally. You give me somewhere to run to, you give me a reason to feel complete, to feel whole.

It hasn't been easy, with everything that we have come across, but I won't give up and I hope you wouldn't either. I am well-aware that you're going through so much in your life, and the overwhelming changes that has been developed. Whatever it is, I am proud of you and I know you'll pull it through. Reality really bites but things get better, I am here for you.

I will forever cherish those simple things you did and those everlasting moments that we shared will always be at the back of my mind.

I love you sayang

I could use a sweet escape

The picture implies the exact kind of dose I necessitate at this moment. I'm longing for an exquisite paradise, to put my mind off things.
I guess my feet's not on the ground right now. Well I should head back to reality!

Colours of life

Without the complications, we wouldn't grow up and become a better person.
Without the difficulties, we wouldn't instill any sense of gratitude in ourselves.
Without the impossibilities, we wouldn't figure out the possibilities.

That's just life

Friday, November 28, 2008


Personally, I thought Twilight was really good. It didn't leave the vital scenes from the book and it certainly has brought upon quite an impact to certain people who enjoyed Twilight. Undoubtedly it may not have satisfied certain crowds, but everyone has different opinions right? I've been tremendously excited and anticipated about this teenage love-story book turned silver screen movie ever since I knew upon the release.

Friday, November 7, 2008

Warm greetings

This is apparently my third blog, I am no longer pursuing my other blogs. So this will be my final blog and I will be updating this blog only. Welcome people, read my posts if you wish to get to know me better. Or stalk me, whatever you please to. I am very much delighted to have your visit :)

Where's my knight in shining armani?

Meet, Chace Crawford :)
Chace Crawford is famously known as Nate Archibald in Gossip Girl