Wednesday, December 10, 2008


A slight error has diminished a wonderful moment. How could it diminish and put everything to a halt in such a short of time? I was feeling dreadful and an alarming temper hit through me and I couldn't manoeuvre myself towards a sane level. I was shouting and screaming like it's nobody's business. I felt a rush of adrenaline and a strong screeching sound inside of me. How was I even able to reach to that pinnacle of such anger and rage? I wasn't intending to put things that way, and I ended up providing a rapid flow of tears resulting from holding such an immense amount of fury. How did I get there? I've hurt feelings and I've torn a supposed-joyful moment. I'm deeply sorry and I hope you know how regretful I am for causing such predicament. I'm hurt and I don't know which or where to turn, I need somewhere to run before something important for me is at stake for my wrongdoings. At this very moment, I could use comfort and a shoulder to cry on. I was accustomed to being alone and that's the only thing I constantly avoid, and that has made me wanting to have someone when I'm in fury. It's the frail side of me and I can't seem to discard it no matter how hard I always try. I know I have to run everytime I'm in full rage mode because I have a huge potential of hurting someone. I deform into someone who couldn't decipher the meaning of calming down, or I was like unconscious and not being able to think in a proper manner. The resulting effect? A catastrophe.

I wish I could turn back time and fix things the way they were, I wish I could take back all the things I never meant to say, I wish I could relive the moment before everything has started to be this critical and I wish I could tell you how sorry I was or that I didn't mean any of that to happen or made you experience such misery. I'm in no power to grant my wishes now, powerless and helpless to even figure out how to fasten everything. I can't even bring myself to sleep now, I could just cry myself to sleep but that's not working either.

A part of a song which I couldn't bring myself to forget,

Everybody’s talking in words
I don’t understand
You got to be the only one
Who knows just who I am
And you shine in the distanceI hope I can make it through
Cause the only place
That I want to be
Is right back home with you

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