Monday, December 1, 2008

Personal Miracle

I'm longing for FREEDOM

I feel like a bird trapped in a cage, I'm a bird filled with sorrows and distress and I'm calling for a saviour. At this very second, I'm feeling a strong urge to make a new way for my life. I persist my life to change, I persist to grow out of my shell, I persist to overcome the constant miseries I've been kept under, I require an antidote to move myself towards a whole new level. I need to collect an immense amount of positive energies to turbo-charge what I want in my life. I need to accumulate stamina that would ultimately shift myself on to a new frequency. I need to assemble the broken pieces and restructure everything, from head to toe. I will now focus on what I need to achieve in my life, and penetrate my goals into the new resolution. 2009 is going to be a good year, at least that's what I would like to believe in.

No matter what happens, no matter what kind of circumstances I might come upon, I will assure myself to stand up and move on from my previous mistakes. I will practice the power of positive thinking in order to invigorate towards a better person of me, inside and out. I will constantly provide myself a gentle nudge everytime I'm feeling at my lowest. I can't let anything get in my way of getting what I want. I will become the best person I can muster myself to be.

I wish to pursue pyschology and I will become a psychologist someday, this is a promise I will ensure I would keep track of. I will not stop spreading love towards the people in my environment. After all, everything we want, whatever it may be, is motivated by love. The power of love, it is to experience the feelings of love in having those things- youth, money, the perfect person, job, body, health or eternal happiness. To attract the things we love, we must transmit love and those things will appear immediately.

Each morning when I wake up, or each night before I fall myself off to sleep, I will scrutinize my own thoughts and make a vision of what I want to achieve and resolve. I ensure myself to be grateful of what I already have- company of good friends and family, an amazing significant other, a fully-functioning body, a well-developed brain. They say, the best things in life are free. It's true, the most wonderful things we could ever cherish in life are free. I'm sure there's a saying that goes, money isn't everything but everything is money, as well. That is downright true, but we can'tlet money be the root of all destructions. The minute I wake up each morning, I instill a great sense of gratitude that I was able to wake up at all.

Always, always leave your loved ones with loving words as you wouldn't have any idea when is the last time you ever will. Treat it like it's your last time with the person every single time you're with him/her, it wouldn't click your mind when the person is ever going to walk out of your life, you will have absolutely no traces of that. Anyone could leave you abruptly, because nobody really stays. Regardless of what you may have gone through with the person, regardless of how long the person have made their way in your life.

You deserve to be happy, everyone deserves to be happy. Each one of you were born to add something, to add value in this world. To simply be bigger, and better than you were yesterday. I strongly believe that, every single thing that I've been through, were to all prepare myself for the future. Simply by your mere existence, you have blessed alarming numbers of people, you may have caused a huge impact on anyone that you've come across, and you may not know it. Believe that you exist to a bring a great importance to this world, no matter what kind of cycle you have originated from. Even if you are going through the toughest circumstance in life, be convinced that there will be silver lining at every cloud, you will become the strongest person ever.

From this moment on, I will keep reminding myself to stay strong, in spite of everything I am going through right now. I know I will, I know things will get better, someday.

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